Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kung Fu Panda Time

Yesterday was the first day of summer vacation. Alex slept in until 8...(Jake woke him up). I didn't sleep in at all...got up early to Wii Fit myself. It was fun! So, I stayed home all day yesterday..first time in awhile! No school, no yard duty, and no errands! However, I did have to leave towards the end of the day for a baseball game. That's okay, though. I had fun.

Today, we went to a matinee. My neighbor, (Mimi), another day care provider, (Jackie), and myself hauled all of our kids to the movies. It was fun. I love going to the movies with a bunch of kids. They make the experience that much more entertaining. In all, I would say we had about 15 to 20 kids with us. I know I had 4...Mimi had 6...Jackie had 5..okay 15 kids in all. The only downfall was that poor RoniLynn got her finger smooshed in the bathroom stall door. She was very brave, cried a little but did not carry on. Mimi was worried it was broken, but we are all hoping that it is not.

I then took my boys and Angel's boys to Target. I do not know how mom's with multiple kids do it! Those 4 boys drove me nuts....I was constantly trying to keep them rounded up and from touching things. They were pretty good, but towards the end, Colby wanted to play hide and seek. Not a cool game in a busy store. I ended up holding his hand and Jake's hand until we lined up to check out.

By the way, did I say how funny Kung Fu Panda was? I laughed my butt off. A definite must see!

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