Friday, January 16, 2009


Last night, I was thinking...I know...not a good thing! But, I was thinking about the direction my life is headed, where I am now, and what has happened in the past. I was watching my family and I suddenly felt so blessed and thankful for what I have!

I have two wonderful boys who really try to be good, who are smart and healthy, and who love and look up to us! I have a wonderful husband who always trys to make me happy, who works hard to make sure we all have what we need, and who is a wonderful father to his children. My husband acts all tough and sometimes a little selfish around other people...but when it comes to us or his friends, he will bend over backwards. I have a house...our own house. I inwardly complain about it all the time...its too small, it needs work, its not as fancy as other's houses. But, all in all, this is a good house with a good sized back yard...and we have a house that we can afford! Some people are losing their homes! I am fortunate to be able to stay home with my kids. Not many parents in our area have that luxury! Because my husband works so much, I am here for my kids. I complain about it, but really, how lucky am I! When I worked, I wished I could stay home. Now that I am staying at home, I wish I could work. I never seem to be happy...always trying to find a way to make money or to have some sort of project. But, in reality, I have it better than a lot of people!

So, reflecting back, I am so happy for what I have and I need to take a deep breath and enjoy it!

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